Agents for Screenwriters
Agents for screenwriters are known to play a crucial role in the film or movie industry because they are an integral part in the life span of a screenwriter. It is imperative for every writer to have an agent in mind even before they start their project because they impact the success or failure of aspiring screenwriters. The literary agent acts as a middle man by linking the writer and his work to prospective producers, publishers, TV production companies, or film production companies. It is not enough to just bring both parties together; he goes further by negotiating the sale of the script. Agents for screenwriters can operate as individuals or in a company. In the latter case, they have several people working to achieve the same goal for the writer. In return for this service, the agent is entitled to a percentage of the cost for which the script is sold, typically 10 to 20 percent.
When engaging the service of agents for screenwriters it is important to have an idea of what your expectations are from the agent before you hire him or her. The agent should be affordable, yet have the necessary experience needed negotiate the sale of the script you want to market. It is challenging for upcoming screenwriters to get an agent who believes in them enough to stick with them to try to sell the script. It is assumed in the screenwriters’ circle that getting an agent to market your script is as difficult as getting a publisher or producer to buy your script. The following tips come in handy when hiring agents for screenwriters.
Agents for screenwriters can be found in the current editions of directories or in books dealing with the subject, such as “A guide to Literary Agents” and “The Agent Directory.” You can also make use of the web to search for relevant information and agencies. Be sure to conduct research about the abilities of the agent you seek to hire to make sure they he or she is reputable and has experience in your genre. At the same time, new agents may be more enthusiastic and motivated to make a name for themselves by selling your script. In your quest to find agents for screenwriters, consider participating in script writing competitions because this affords the opportunity to be seen by agents. You may also send out sales letters to agents to familiarize them with your work.