Carlos schlieper was a screenwriter and film director born 23 September 1902 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and died on 14 April 1957 in the same city as directed numerous films and noted mainly for sitcoms filmed.
Early years
His father was an industrialist of nationality was Andalusian German and his mother very Catholic. Schlieper, which had three brothers men and three women received careful education which included travel abroad and study at a secondary school in Switzerland. He spoke German, Italian. French and Spanish and he obtained degree scribe, but he never practised that profession.
His association with film
Schliper, who was fond of photography, had his first contact with the cinema in 1937 when he attended the Establishments Filmadores Argentinos EFA – studies apparently at the invitation of Enrique Santos discépolo with whom he had friendship, to witness filming scenes for the film Buenos Aires melodies Discepolín starring directed by Luis José moglia barth film in which both eventually became director assistants.
Between 1938 and 1939 codirigio with four hearts movie Discépolo and as a result of the interest that produced these experiences Schlieper filmed between 1939 and 1940 four two-Act shorts titled madman of the Obelisk, Libertad Street, The family cement armed and Cardboard Samson financed with his own money.
Already with this baggage was presented at EFA and got what they hire in 1941 to lead If I were rich, a comedy light of a thief of jewels with Antonio Zinny coguión and participation of Amanda Ledesma, very popular at that time tango singer and actress. With her as he directed Dad has girlfriend (1941) clearly the progress of the director and with the participation of aída Luz, Armando Bello, zully Moreno and Felisa mary. The critic Domingo Di núbila was a movie
“lively, cheerful, romantic, it evoked with humor environments and customs finiseculares, was a foretaste of the Schlieper which then prevailed in the sophisticated comedy and had several which would then be their favorite items: optimistic view of love, agility, complications, beautiful girls, bright environments and various affinities with mundane temperament, europeo-norteamericana education, her wealthy cradle and his miltante admiration of feminine beauty.”
Then followed in 1942 morning I suicide and mist in the Creek, transplant farce Carlos arniches that saved the grace and power of olinda bozán Rositas smell. In 1943, was shot Chair and Grand Duchess a fun vehicle for showcasing Olinda Bozán, including some region and a brief reference to the 1917 Russian Revolution with the sole purpose of locating the story about a Russian Duke comes unless to retrieve a few jewels hidden in an armchair marries a rich woman who had acquired it at an auction. It is based on the tale of illia ilf and eugeni petrov twelve chairs and there are several versions of the same subject, including that of Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (Cuba 1962) and mel brooks (the twelve chairs, United States, 1970).
Three rats filmed in 1946 refers to the reaction of three sisters to remain orphaned and has a cast of figures such as Mecha Ortiz, Amelia bence Marie Duval, Michael Faust Rocha, Santiago Gomez Cou, Ricardo passano, Felisa mary, Amalia Sánchez ariño and Floren delbene. On this film told the Chronicle of the newspaper La Nación: “excellent cinematic quality …tiene responds with your images to the spirit and emotion of the work that inspires, not seek transcendences book came to suggest with psychological penetration.”[ 3 ] According to Abel guest movie critic the mysterious Uncle Sylas (1947) is important to know Goblin Carlos Schlieper, the ability to transform into a monument we would call camp to an irredimible film from the point of departure: Elisa christian galvé as a huerfanita choice.[ 4 ] The same year Schlieper directed Portrait film which critic Roland believed: “very careful technique, radiant photography, sound impeccable, lavish scenery.”[ 5 ] This farce bright, full of observations about female prejudice, marks the beginning of the best cinema Legrand and Carlos Schlieper comedy actress.
1948 Film is the Carlos Schlieper P ellos…todo or, a home movie with a great work of Enrique muiño.[ 6 ] The same year led the Rattle snake on the romance of a slightly grown schoolgirl embodied by Maria Duval, with the new music teacher from a personified by Juan Carlos thorry Institute. For the newspaper La Nación Chronicle it was “a movie in a tone of farce (…)” dynamism is not exactly the pace, but without delay. Filmmaker has wanted to do a fast portrait (…) Maria Duval unfolds with a new face of its potential
1950S film is the rice pudding with Esteban Serrador, Angel Magaña, malisa zini and amelita Vargas, about a millionaire poses as mother of twins to conquer a lawyer. She said the critic Domingo Di Núbilla “multiple misunderstandings were exploited with dexterity (…)” “A fast rhythm that came close to the Vortex” [ 8 ] as the King critic is is a comedy of entanglements as entertainment and a reidero reason coming very high.[ 8 ] The same year he directed wife last model (1950) which was said it was an excellent best Carlos Schlieper, comedy with Mirtha Legrand at its brightest time as a comedian and the rest of the cast in all lines. Overlap (overlapping dialogue) and the double intent, in a very good example of entanglements film. The play by Tito insausti and Arnaldo malfati had been released in 1949 with Paulina singerman and Daniel Alvarado at the leading.[ 9 ] 1950’S is when he kisses my maido.
In 1951 he directed things women, perhaps the film more feminist this Director where adultery and the place of women in the world are the main themes more reflexive than openly comic with a performance surprise zully Moreno, well directed comedy.[ 10 ] and trees die standing which said it reaches on the screen the strength and the communicative and contagious sympathy that worth a such event in the escenarios… in short: an Argentine film quality.
Teresa bells (1957) sample actress Laura Hidalgo to play a completely different than usual role: this is not fake women fatal but who loves, laughs, runs and plays… is a being with human vibration.[ 12 ] He was the last performance of this actress.
Schlieper also directed two films in Mexico and Chile, worked continuously until his death occurred on 14 April 1957 from a heart attack.
Schlieper was a “great observer and a global vision of the film, where everything must harmonize.” “Comprehensive work of director obsessed with details and form and contents, translating details such as scenery – performances, shape as Assembly – framing – photography and content – like script dialogs.”[ 14 ] Continued to detail each step in the production and thus music, script, lighting, photography, and the scenery responded to a thorough preparation. Told Nelida Romero:
“Took scripts have been scoring timed so the duration of shots.” Nothing was scoreless for seconds or minutes. It was not you called technical screenplay but shooting guide. This was a task that was completely alone. Similarly would viewing the film as it confeccionaba the Guide. Thus it was possible to know how many characters there were in each sequence and where they were located. That was on the set so obsessive in studying the frames. This also implies that the scenery wasn’t a simple decoration. In these frames should integrate it definitively the characters. “Argued – that Yes admitted it has been copied outright so that Lubistch – actors were forced to use a Chair, a table, a window or anything to guide the spectator.”
* Teresa bells (1957)
* Alejandra (1956)
* Crushing (1955)
* My husband and my boyfriend (1955)
* Detective (1954)
* The love-filled eyes (1954)
* My wife is mad (1954)
* The honorable tenant (1951)
* Trees die standing (1951)
* Things women (1951)
* Rice pudding (1950)
* Wife last model (1950)
* When kisses my husband (1950)
* Fascination (1949)
* Appointment in the stars (1949)
* By them… all (1948)
* The Rattle snake (1948)
* The portrait (1947)
* The mysterious Uncle Silas (1947)
* Madame Bovary (1947)
* Sinful (1947) (in Mexico)
* Three rats (1946)
* Men honor (1946)
* The House is empty (1945) (in Chile)
* The desire to (1944)
* The armchair and Grand Duchess (1943)
* Tomorrow I murder-suicide (1942)
* Mist in the Creek (1942)
* My father has girlfriend (1941)
* If I were wealthy (1941)
* Four hearts (1939)
o Screenwriter:
* Teresa bells (1957)
* Alejandra (1956)
* My husband and my boyfriend (1955)
* Again first! (1952)
* My wife is mad (1952)
* The honorable tenant (1951)
* Things women (1951)
* Rice pudding (1950)
* Wife last model (1950)
* When kisses my husband (1950)
* The armchair and Grand Duchess (1943)
* Mist in the Creek (1942)
* My father has girlfriend (1941)
* The unhappy town (1941) (screenwriter)
* Tomorrow I murder-suicide (1942)
* The armchair and Grand Duchess (1943)
Assistant Director
* Buenos Aires melodies (1937)
* Ladies hairdresser (1941)
* Young widow and estanciera (1941)
* Love (1940)
Technical advice
* Sensational kidnapping (1942)
* Millionaire Candida (1941)