Harold Ramis (Chicago, Illinois) (21 November 1944) is an actor and film director.
His acting career is characterized by having played Dr. Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters movies. Although it is well known for directing Analyze This, Analyze That and trapped in time, among other films as writer and director.
Filmography (selection)
As director
* Ph.d III: II (2012) Ghostbusters III
* Year One (2009) Year one (With Jack Black and Michael Cera)
* The Ice Harvest (2005) The ice harvest
* Analyze That (2002) Scan you (Argentina) another dangerous therapy total relapse! (Spain)
* Bedazzled (2000) To hell with the devil
* Analyze This (1999) A dangerous therapy
* Multiplicity (1996) My doubles, my wife and I
* Stuart Saves His Family (1995) Family rescue
* Groundhog Day (1993) Spell time (Argentina) Groundhog Day (Chile) trapped in time (Spain)
* Club Paradise (1986) Club Paraíso
* Vacation (1983) A batty American family vacation
* Caddyshack (1980) The paranoiacs club
As an actor
* Knocked Up (2007) Slightly pregnant (Hispanoámerica) an embarrassing mess (Spain)
* The Last Kiss (2006) A kiss (Argentina) the last Kiss (Peru)
* I’m with Lucy (2002) 5 men to Lucy
* Orange County (2002)
* As Good as It Gets (1997) … Better impossible
* Love Affair (1994) A love affair
* Airheads (1994) Hollow heads
* Groundhog Day (1993) Spell time (Argentina) Groundhog Day (Chile) trapped in time (Spain)
* Ghostbusters II (1989) Ghostbusters 2
* Stealing Home (1988) More than a memory
* Baby Boom (1987) Who called the Stork? (Argentina) Baby, you much vouchers (Spain)
* Ghost Busters (1984) Ghostbusters
* Stripes (1981) The nutty squad