Albert Capellani (1874 – 1931) was a French writer of the silent period, producer and film director.
He began his career as an actor and came in, in 1905, Director of pathé frères as one of the ferdinand zecca computer makers. Performs a huge number of films, particularly adaptations of short stories, such as the golden eggs goose (1905), was commissioned to Segundo de chomón, whose special effects or Riquet the houppe à (1908), and novels: Les Misérables (1911) or germ (1913), a film to the three hours and a half of duration.
In 1914, the outbreak of World War I paralyzes production of Pathé and went to the United States, where he stayed until his return in France in 1923.
Some copies of their films are preserved in the French national film archive. These include:
* Aladin ou lampe merveilleuse (1906). The plot revolves around the famous tale in the thousand and one nights
* Peau d´âne (1908). On the tale by Charles perrault, which would be a remake in the 1970s Jacques demy
* Les mystères Paris (1908). La primera adaptación de la famosa novela folletinesca de 10 tomos de Eugène Sue
* La belle et la bête (1909). Una de las primeras versiones al cine de la obra maestra de Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont.
* Les misérables (1909). Su primer acercamiento al espíritu de Víctor Hugo, film que le consagró como director para la incipiente industria del cine francés de la época.
* L´assomoir (1906). Adaptación para la pantalla de una obra de Émile Zola.
* Germinal (1913). Tercera versión cinematográfica de otra obra de Zola.
* La Glu (1913). Basada en una novela melodramática de Jean Richepin.