Damian Szifrón (born July 9, 1975;) (Ramos Mejia, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine film and television director and screenwriter. He is known as the creator of the television series The simulators, but also was the Argentine “brothers and Detectives” series which would be adapted into Spain.
The Szifrón family was his father who was a lover of film and her mother enjoyed performing magic tricks.
He made his university studies at Film University, after which he directed and wrote the screenplays for three short films: “Deaf ears” (1996), Kan, Thunder (1997) and “Neutral” (1998). Study theory cinematic with writer and theoretical film Angel Faretta.
His popularity came with the series “Los simulators”, a unit which mixed the suspense with intelligent humor. After two successful seasons of the series you decide to give an end and start with a new “brothers and detectives” project, a detective story starring a police inspector and his small brother.
In 2003 it launches her first film “the sea”, which won several awards at international festivals. Is second movie released in 2005 called “brave time” and starring Luis Luque and Diego peretti. Szifrón usually work with actor Diego peretti, which appears in all his films since 1998 and also starred and collaborates with the script of the simulators.
It was defined as a lover of chess and psychoanalysis. He said that his work is a work on the imagination and leads a binder to the bathtub to imagine situations “and I will all scoring”.
Short films
* Kan, Thunder (1997)
* Deadlock (1998)
* The last days (1999)Feature films
* The bottom of the sea (2003)
* Brave time (2005)
* Overseas (2008) (pre-production)
* Simuladores (1997) TV series
* Simulators (2002-2003) TV series
* Brothers and Detectives (Argentina) (2006) TV series
* Brothers and Detectives (Spain) (2007-2009) TV series
* Murderous women (2008) TV series