Howard Hawks ( 30 may 1896 – December 26, 1977) was a director, writer and film producer. His extensive filmography, which included black film, Western movies and comedies, among others, have numerous films awarded Academy Awards, among other awards. He, however, only got a nomination and an Honorary Academy Award in 1975. Maintained a relationship during his lifetime amistad-amante with Katharine
Born on 30 may 1896 in Goshen (Indiana) and died on December 26, 1977 in Palm Springs, California).
Had three marriages: the first with Athole Shearer (1928 – 1940), the second with Nancy Gross (1941 – 1947) and the third with Dee Hartford (1953 – 1959). His first wife was the sister of Norma Shearer.
Before you enter the world of cinema was pilot aeroplane and car broker. In Red Line 7000 pays homage to this world of car racing and offers a less romantic and more realistic aircraft in the 1930s world vision only angels have wings.
Article principal: Howard Hawks anexo:filmografía
Comment on his filmography
Hawks directs films since 1926 (The Road to Glory) until 1970 (Rio Lobo) a total of 47.
Works in 23 screenplays, which does not direct: Quicksands, Tiger Love, The birth From Paris, The Road to Yeserday, Honesty – The Best Policy, Underworld (uncredited) Viva Villa! (non-accredited), Test Pilot, Indianapolis Speedway, The Outlaw (uncredited nor the screenplay and direction) and The Thing From Another World (not credited either in script or in the address); the rest of your scripts directed them him.
Produces 21 films: the first is Quicksands, in 1923, for Jack Conway, who also writes Corvette K-225 to Richard Rosson; the rest are productions of his own films, so you have control over them that not used to have other Hollywood directors.
Considered by the American industry as a craftsman, are Europeans, in Cahiers du Cinèma, those who “discovered” for Americans Hawks to be regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time values.
Hawks directs any type of genre, where plays, get considered masterpieces of the best in the genre.
“Black film” genus: Criminal Code, Scarface; To Have and Have Not, that dignifies Ernest Hemingway; The Big Sleep, novel by Raymond Chandler and William Faulkner, screenplay
Comedia: Bringin Up Baby (The beast of my girl): wonderful protagonist couple formed by Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn; His Girl Friday, 2nd version of Primera Plana, which changes the character of man woman; Ball Of Fire, I Was a Male War Bride, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Oeste: rivers saga: Red River, Rio Bravo, Rio Lobo (his final film). In addition, Red Line 7000 (about racing), Hatari!, on safaris, Land of the Pharaohs, with a high political burden, and makes a foray into the horror genre / science fiction with The Thing From Another World
On two occasions was copied itself: El Dorado on Rio Bravo and A Song Is Born, about Ball Of Fire, which got a comic vis Gary Cooper.
Be aware that John Ford, a friend of Hawks, having seen “Red River” and referring to John Wayne, said: “I never thought that this son of a bitch knew Act”; Indeed, in this film, John Ford gives deeper characters from Wayne, which previously not had, were completely flat.
Some of their work premises was the camera always had to be equal to men, and that the viewer should not be aware of his movement. This gave it a style apparently very simple but also very difficult to run.
Despite having done a handful of the best films in the history of cinema, not won any Academy. Only was nominated in 1942 by The Sergeant York and received an Honorary Academy Award for the whole of his career in 1975.
See also