It kad Merad, of real name kaddour Merad, is a comedian, humorist and writer franco – Algerian born 27 March 1964 in sidi Bel abbes in Algeria and spent his childhood in Balbigny (Loire) and in ris-orangis (Essonne).
He lives since 1992 with emmanuelle cosso (writer and composer). Khalil parents are parents since 2004.
His father was Algerian and French mother, she has two sisters and a brother.
Drummer and singer in several groups of rock in his teenage years begins upload scenarios in the Club méditerranée, with group gigolo brothers. He then devoted to theatre, directed by Jacqueline duc, where he played classical pieces.
In 1991, enters ouï FM, radio rock parisina, where he meets olivier baroux. Within a year, the duo formed in antenna starts its own program: Le Rock ‘n’ roll circus, from humorous sketches (do but who killed Paméla Rose?, pork Teddy fiel…). Every Wednesday evening, the program became you Rock ‘n’ roll circus Live, spread from Monte Cristo later the balloon. Kad creates solo ziggy show, free radio station that broadcast in the evening. Later assisted by Jean-luc delarue, begins in television series Les 30 dernières minutes.
Enter as an animator in chain cable Comédie!, between 1999 and 2001, La Grosse émission. Do at the same time began to chaining small film roles until his first major role: Mais qui a tué Pamela Rose?, film in 2003 by éric lartigau co-written with Olivier.
He received in 2007, you Caesar for best supporting actor for his performance in the film Je vais, ne t’ in fais pas of philippe lioret. He also appeared in music video AaRON – U-turn (lili) which is the main theme of the film.
March 2, 2007, began to appear on television with les Enfoirés on TF1 and participates in concerts in 2008 (where injured backstage), and in the 2009 at Paris Bercy and 2010 (concerts on Saturday and Sunday) at palais nikaia in nice.
L’AFM AFM and france télévisions announced in a release Kad Merad would be her Godfather of Telethon 2007 together with liane foly.
In 2008, he embodied Philippe Abrams film Welcome to the North.
July 14, 2008, in response to the invitation of nicolas sarkozy Kad Merad read excerpts from the preamble of the universal human rights declaration after the Parade July 14 military, at place de la Concorde in Paris, in the presence of the heads of State of the European Union, of the representatives of the United Nations and the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. It is not therefore less sympathetic Socialist because he was a supporter of ségolène Royal during the presidencies of 2007 elections.[ 1 ]
Has just appeared: “Kad Merad, je crois that je peux voler”, Annie and Bernard Réval (Ible Editions)
As an actor
Kad Merad avec anne marivin.
* 2001: La Grande Vie! of philippe dajoux: Le motard
* 2001: Dominique farrugia la Stratégie of l’échec: M. golden
* 2003: michel leray bloody Christmas: man
* 2003: Le Pharmacien of avant-garde of Jean veber: legal medical
* 2003: La Beuze’s Thomas sorriaux and françois desagnat: director of pacific recordings
* 2003: Mais qui a tué Pamela Rose? of Eric lartigau: Richard Bullit
* 2003: denis parent Rien than du bonheur: Pierre
* 2003: Les clefs de bagnole de laurent baffie: A comedian who refuses to act with Laurent
* 2004: The choir boys of christophe barratier: Chabert
* 2004: Monde extérieur of David rault: Bertrand
* 2004: Les Dalton of Philippe Haim: the Mexican prisoner
* 2005: patrick braoudé Dargaud: genius Ouzmoutousouloubouloubombê
* 2005: Propriété commune of michel leray: Martin
* 2005: Les Oiseaux du ciel Éliane Latour: Uncle Tango
* 2006: Eric lartigau a pour l’espace ticket: Cardoux
* 2006: Je vais, ne t’ on fais pas of philippe lioret: paul tellier
* 2006: J’ invents rien Michel Leclerc: paul thalman
* 2006: Les Irréductibles Renaud Bertrand: Gérard mathieu
* 2006: Pierre-françois martin-laval Essaye-moi: Vincent
* 2007: Je crois que je l’aime of Pierre jolivet: Rachid
* 2007: La Tête of maman of carine tardieu: Jacques charlot
* 2007: Pur week-end Olivier Doran: frédéric alvaro
* 2007: michel boujenah 3 amis: «Titi» Baptiste Capla
* 2007: Ce soir je dors chez toi of olivier baroux: Jacques
* 2008: Welcome to the North of dany boon: philippe abrams
* 2008: Stéphane Kazandjian modern love: Éric massage
* 2008: christophe barratier Faubourg 36: Jacky
* 2008: Month stars et moi of laetitia colombani: Robert pelage
* 2009: Safari, olivier baroux: Richard dacier
* 2009: The small Nicholas, laurent tirard: the father of Nicholas
* 2009: R.T.T., of frédéric berthe, Arthur
* 2010: Richard Berry (film director), tony zacchia L’immortel
* 2010: Protéger et serve of Eric lavaine, michel boudriau
* 2010: olivier baroux L’Italien
* 2010: Monsieur Pope of Kad Merad
* 2010: Daniel auteuil fille du puisatier
Short films
* 1995: Dialogue au sommet (Igor) of Xavier giannoli
* 1996: Jour de chance au bâtiment C (n.c.) of lionel gedèbe
* 1999: Jeu de vilains (M. Tosca) of hervé eparvier
* 2001: Faute de grive (n.c.) of patrick bosso
* 2001: You Tombales (Gustave) of christophe barratier
* 2002: Visit guided (Gérard Lance agent le real estate) caroline roucoux and hervé thébault
* 2002: bloody Christmas (n.c) of michel leray
* 2003: Brother bear (Brother bear) Aaron blaise and Bob walker: Truc
* 2006: happy feet of George miller: the Adélie Penguin Ramón.
* 2010: Zoé et le collier du soleil Arno: the panda with snake head
* 2003: Mais qui a tué Pamela Rose? (with Olivier Baroux and Julien Rappeneau)
* 2006: A pour l’espace ticket (with Olivier Baroux and Julien Rappeneau)
* 2007: César for best supporting actor by Je vais, ne t’ on fais pas.