Joan marimón padrosa is a director and scriptwriter born in 1960 in el prat de llobregat (Barcelona).


Over 20 years work all weekends in Capri film, family, film as projectionist. Studied art history, and publishes a book, “History of the art of astrology” (1986, Editorial Anthropos). College meets Jesus Ramos Huete filmmaker and he works in several short films, including Exquisite grace (2000), In crescendo (2001) and “The colored traveller” (2003). At the same time, co-wrote the audiovisual script dictionary (2003, Editorial Ocean). Write the screenplay for the feature-length cartoon Peraustrinia 2004 (1990), led by Angel Garcia. In the 1990s is Professor at the Escac mounting of Catalan television (poble nou and XQ). In 2007 made the film agree with Jack, a personal vision of characters in the Gràcia neighbourhood of Barcelona, where he resides. The film gets Prix Demon (tied) in the Biennale du Cinema Espagnol d’Annecy, and in 2009 the octahedron Publisher publishes a book on it. Writes and directs tv-movies the case of divided girlfriend (2006) and “giacomo enigma” (2008).


As a writer

Bargain with the cat (2007) Film

Cas divided núvia (2006) (TV)

Abuela de verano (2005) TV series

Rías Baixas (2000) TV series

Pink, lluita (1996) TV series

Family secrets (1995) TV series

Poble Nou (1994) TV series

An indescribable plaer (1992) feature

Peraustrinia 2004 (1990) Feature

As Director

Enigma Giacomo (2009) (TV)

Bargain with the cat (2007) Film

Cas divided núvia (2006) (TV)

In crescendo (2001) Short film

Exquisite grace (2000) Short film

4 (2000) Short film

Viatger (1998) short film

As a writer

History of art of astrology (1985). Editorial Anthropos

The audiovisual script dictionary (2003). Editorial Ocean.

Bargain with the cat (2009). Editorial octahedron.