Luis Fernández Ardavín (1892-, Madrid, 1962), writer of modernism, journalist, screenwriter, filmmaker Eusebio Fernández ardavín brother.


He promptly began writing in the press with verses and articles. His first book of poetry was meditations and other poems (1913); followed folletín and Missal sheets (1920), eternal restlessness, the midway and so on. He had much more easily to versifying; your theatre is written in a verse that suffers the influence of Eduardo marquina. His plays include miraculous stained-glass window (1925), on Elizabeth Hungary; The daughter of the Dolores (1927), second part of the great success of José Feliú and Codina; Queen’s florist (1939) and his greatest success, Lady with an ermine (1922), which evokes Toledo of the 16th century to dramatize the love of the daughter of El Greco by a young Jew. Romantic doncel (1922), revives the Larra, Madrid was poorly received by critics. Abbé tales, a collection of songs, was musicada by Amadeo Vives. He cultivated the short story (the son) and worked as zarzuelas librettist for masters Francisco Alonso (La Parranda, 1928); Amadeo Vives (The Lord Pandolfo, 1916) and Federico Moreno torroba (La Bejarana, La Caramba). Other works are flowers Blanchefleur, Rosa France, Passion pictures, Lola Montez Romance and village story… The screenplays he wrote mainly were adaptations of his own works led by his brother Eusebio film director.

General Society of authors of Spain he chaired from 1952 until his death. He translated works by Alfred de musset, Balzac, Goethe and Sophocles. Critics pointed out frequent anachronisms of his dramas and the imbalance between the purpose and the end result.



* Meditations (1913)

* Slices of folletín and Missal (1920)

* Eternal restlessness.


* Crime, 1915, with Federico García sanchiz.

* The Bell (1919).

* The Lady with an ermine (1921).

* Romantic doncel (1922).

* The Bandit of the Sierra (1923).

* Doña Diabla (1925).

* The daughter of the Dolores (1927).

* Prostitution (1933).

* Queen’s florist (1939)

* The star of Justina.


* Mr Pandolfo (1916), with music by Amadeo Vives.

* La Bejarana, 1924, with music by Federico Moreno Torroba.

* La Parranda, 1928, with music by Francisco Alonso.

* The carmagnole, 1933, with music by Francisco Alonso.

* La Caramba, 1942, with music by Federico Moreno Torroba.


* The standard bearer. (1943). De Eusebio Fernández Ardavín

* Forge of souls. (1943). De Eusebio Fernández Ardavín

* The Lady with an ermine. (1947). De Eusebio Fernández Ardavín

* Consistent to the offender. (1960). De Eusebio Fernández Ardavín


* VV. AA. Dictionary of Spanish literature. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1964 (3rd ed.), p. 291.