Maite Austri Ruiz is a writer, screenwriter and film director and Spanish television, specialized programs for children and youth. It is the only woman Director of Spanish film animation films. Up to the momenta has directed five films and a series for television. It belongs to CIMA (Association of women filmmakers) and is member (d) the Academy of Spain motion picture arts and Sciences. Among the numerous and important awards he has received extensive carreca: two Goya Awards l best animated film the return of the North wind (1995) and than as animal neighbors! (1999), two gold medals at The Houston International Film Festival and silver medal and bronze medal in The New York TV Festival.
1992 – The legend of the North wind
1995 – The return of the North wind
1998 – Than as animal neighbors!
2001 – The legend of the Unicorn
2008 – Animal channel