Miguel Ángel cárcano is a director, producer and screenwriter of film who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 29, 1972. He obtained his diploma as audiovisual media at the National University of Buenos Aires designer and worked as a television and radio Director to then dedicate himself completely to advertising and film. He has written several scripts short film and feature film and in 1999 received the premio Argentores awarded by Argentina society of authors for the screenplay of the film the men who laugh.



* Between islands (2007)

* Interior (night) (2005)

* Nowhere in (2004)

* Men who laugh (2000)


* Between islands (2007)

* Interior (night) (2005)

* Nowhere in (2004)

* Men who laugh (2000)


* Between islands (2007)

* Interior (night) (2005)

* Men who laugh (2000)


* Between islands (2007)

* Interior (night) (2005)

* Men who laugh (2000)