Miguel Coronatto peace was a film director and screenwriter of radio, film and television Argentine who was born in 1904 and died 7 October of 1990.
Professional activity
He was a prolific writer of radio, film and television, as well as theatrical author. In film he directed, with his own script, the films El cabo rivero (1938), Claudina troubles (1938) and A night in the lightning (1950). Radio was the author of great success as Philip, comedy programs since 1944, starring Luis sandrini, The lightning, where acting, among others, tincho Zabala, John Laborde and Guido gorgatti. Television was screenwriter, among other programs, Philip version for that environment, in 1960 and Dringue magazine (1967).
His plays include Buenos Aires, I copás to the mouth with affection, Monica lost a complex. The latter work commented Edition of May 21, 1949 to La Prensa newspaper “there is a laugh in the comedy hit” and the author employs “noble elements and get honest production”. His book of short stories published in 1987 when the gods smile. In addition, in collaboration with Cross Chas wrote humorous tango Ceferino lyrics to Francisco lomuto put music to a radio program of Enrique muiño.
He died on October 7, 1990.
* Manrupe, Raul; Portela, Maria Alexandra (2001). A dictionary of Argentine films (1930-1995). Buenos Aires, Editorial Corregidor. ISBN 950-05-0896-6.
* Ulanovsky, Carlos; Marta Merrin, Juan José Panno and Gabriela Tijman (1995) (in Spanish). Radio days. History of Radio Argentina (Buenos Aires). Espasa.Calpe Argentina S.A. Edition). Act S.A.. ISBN 950-852-095-7.
* Pelletieri Osvaldo (director) (2003). History of the Argentine Theatre in Buenos Aires. Vol IV. Buenos Aires. Ed. Galerna. ISBN 950-556-447-3.