Steven f. Seagal (pronounced with the accent on the last syllable: / sɨˈgɑːl /; born in Lansing, Michigan on April 10, 1952)[ 1 ] is an actor action cinema, expert in Japanese martial arts and musician.
Black belt, 7th dan in Aikido, Seagal was the first Westerner to lead their own school or such specialty Japan dōjō.[ 2 ] [ 3 ] It also has extensive knowledge of Kenjutsu, Judo, Karate Do.[ 2 ] On the other hand, Seagal has released two albums of music blues [ 4 ] and works as a reserve Deputy Sheriff in the community of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.
Early years
Born on 10 April 1952 in Lansing, Michigan, Jewish father and a mother of descent cherokee and Catholic Irish in his youth moved to Fullerton, California and began studying martial arts at the hands of the famous master karate Do Shito Ryu, Fumio Demura Japanese style. At the end of his adolescence, Seagal is part of the karate demonstration team of Demura and makes daily demonstrations in Japanese Deer Park, a park of Southern California attractions. When he was seventeen, Seagal moved to Japan to continue his study of martial, arts, where she taught English to pay her studies martial arts Aikido, Judo, and kenjutsu in the late 1960s.
Hollywood career
In 1987, Seagal began work on his first film, Above the Law (also known as Nico) with director Andrew Davis. Michael Ovitz, talent agent was impressed with Seagal having been his student and submitted it with Andrew Davis, who stressed that Seagal had powers to become a movie star. Following its success, Seagal made three films: Hard to kill, appointed by the death and Out for Justice, were blockbusters, becoming an action movie star. Later, Seagal met again with director Andrew Davis and premiered alert maximum 1992 resounding success. Tape won in total $156.4 billion dollars worldwide.
Seagal directed on dangerous ground (1994). This film, which also starred in his character was contrary to his previous characters environmental and spiritual themes emphasized. The tape was co-starring Michael Caine but was a failure at the box office.
Of the disappointment in the critical and box-Office of dangerous land, Seagal shot the sequel to its greatest success alert maximum, entitled alert maximum 2 (1995), the police drama Glimmer Man (1996). In 1996, had its first secondary role in the film Kurt Russell, Executive Decision (1996). Subsequently, made another film with environmental awareness, Fire Down Below (1997), where she played an agent of the EPA who fights against the dumping of toxic industrial wastes in the hills of Kentucky. The film was a flop at the box office. Fire Down Below ended his original films with the Warner Bros. contract.
Direct to video
The following year, Seagal starred in The Patriot, other environmentalist thriller that was his first live video in the United States release (although premiered in theaters around the world). Seagal produced the film with his own money, and was filmed near from his farm in Montana.
Steven Seagal in 2006.
Seagal returned to screens film with the release of Exit Wounds in 2001. The film had less martial arts scenes than previous Seagal films, but was a commercial success, grossing nearly $80 million worldwide. However, he was unable to capitalize on this success and two following projects were failures in critical and box office. Starred in Ticker, co-starring with Tom Sizemore and Dennis Hopper, was filmed in San Francisco before Exit Wounds, it went straight to DVD. She starred after Half Past Dead, co-starring with star in rap Ja Rule, which was less than $20 million worldwide.
All films that Seagal has done since the second half of 2001 have launched direct to video in North America, with only limited in the rest of the world film premieres. currently returns to the big screen in the machete, directed by Robert Rodriguez and starring Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Danny Trejo tape.
Working as a police
Seagal is currently working as a reserve Deputy Sheriff in the community of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Seagal has a home in Louisiana, and spends several months a year there. He said that you graduated from a California Police Academy and has a certificate which accredits it as police. In his reality show, Steven Seagal: Lawman, said that it has been an honorary police officer for nearly 20 years. However, according to The Los Angeles Times, it has no record of this. In November 2008, A & E Network announced that had begun to record Steven Seagal: Lawman, continues its work in the Office of the Sheriff of the District of Jefferson. The series debuted successfully in A & E on December 2, 2009. Series, Seagal shows their abilities as a teacher in techniques of police subjugation and expert marksman. 14 April 2010, the series was suspended indefinitely due to a lawsuit filed against Seagal, where he is accused of sexual crimes, the demandá studied without success.
Religion and activism
It is an active promoter of zen Buddhism, whose studies was paid in Japan, giving English classes.
Additionally, said defender of ethnic minority groups and the environment, leaving glimpse these positions in his films. Samurai also collects cutlasses.
The musician
It is guitarist of the band blues Steven Seagal and the Thunderbox. Seagal began playing guitar at age Released his first album, Songs from The Crystal Cave, in 2004. In 2006 he published another album, Mojo Priest. In its 1997 Fire Down Below Ribbon, Seagal appears in a scene playing guitar to a local group of country.
Personal life
Seagal was married three times. Her first marriage (from 1975 to 1986) was the teacher of Aikido, Miyako Fujitani; relationship which they had two sons: Kentaro Seagal and Ayako Fujitani. Later married Adrienne La Russa, marriage which broke after a year (1989). Later he married actress Kelly LeBrock, known for the film “Red girl”; Union lasted from 1987 to 1996 and she had three children: Annaliza, Dominick and Arissa.
Riots and legal issues
In his career, Steven Seagal has acquired a reputation by abusing their physical acquired by martial arts skills. At the beginning of the 1990s, in the film tape set Out for justice, Seagal challenged the legendary judoka fights film dancer Gene LeBell to a friendly duel to prove that he could not be tested, LeBell him strangled two consecutive times.
Veteran actor and an alumnus of Seagal, known for his roles as the British agent James Bond, Sean Connery declared having suffered a broken wrist after a workout with Seagal during the filming of never say never again in 1983.
Came to light that in 1997, during a private party at the mansion of the actor Sylvester Stallone, Seagal repeated several times that could easily “kicking him back” to the popular actor and martial artist Jean Claude Van Damme; to hear him, Van Damme challenged him to prove it in the garden of the mansion, but Seagal retired from the party; According to Stallone, Van Damme, enraged, followed him to a nightclub and proposed combat again. Stallone said on the subject: “Van Damme was too strong then.” “Seagal had nothing to do with it”.
12 April 2010, 23-year-old former personal assistant of Seagal Kayden Nguyen filed a lawsuit against him related to sexual harassment. The young Nguyen stated that Seagal suggested him to join his personal harem, which includes two women Russian who argue dispensed sex with him. Seagal lawyer, Marty Singer stated that “the lawsuit against Seagal is an absurd attempt an employee farewell” by money.
* On top of the law (Above the Law) (1988)
* Hard kill (Hard to Kill) (1990)
* Appointed by death (Marked for Death) (1990)
* Looking for Justice (Out for Justice) (1991)
* High alert (Under Siege) (1992)
* Dangerous ground (On Deadly Ground) (1994)
* High alert 2 (Under Siege 2: Dark Territory) (1995)
* Critical decision (Executive Decision) (1996)
* Glimmer Man The Glimmer Man) (1996)
* Trackside dangerous 2 (Fire Down Below) (1997)
* The last Patriot (The Patriot) (1998)
* Open wound (Exit Wounds.) (“Network of corruption”) (2001)
* Time limit (Ticker) (2001)
* At the edge of death (Half Past Dead) (2002)
* Abroad (The Foreigner) (2003)
* Blind revenge (Out for a Kill) (2003)
* The bowels of the beast (Belly of the Beast) (2003)
* Clementine (2004)
* Rescue the limit (Out of Reach) (2004)
* Yakuza: Empire of the rising sun (Into the Sun) (2005)
* Submerged: alert total (Submerged) (2005)
* Avenger (Today You Die) (2005)
* Blow at dawn (Black Dawn) (2005)
* Mercenary for Justice (2006)
* Shadow Man (2006)
* Computer attack (2006)
* The flight of anger (2007)
* Urban Justice (2007)
* Pistol Whipped (Shot clean) (2008)
* Kill Switch (2008)
* Against the Dark (Blood hunters) (2008)
* Driven to Kill (2009)
* The Keeper (2009)
* A Dangerous Man (2010)
* Machete (2010)
* Born to Raise Hell (2010)
* Steven Seagal Lawman (documentary series) (2010)
* Songs from the Crystal Cave (2004)
* Mojo Priest (2006)
Awards Golden Rapsberry
Category Film Result
Worst Director Dangerous ground Winner
Worst actor Dangerous ground Nominated
Worst movie Dangerous ground Nominated
Worst supporting actor Critical decision Nominated
Worst actor 2 Dangerous earth Nominated
Worst movie 2 Dangerous earth Nominated
Worst film team 2 Dangerous earth Nominated
Worst original song 2 Dangerous earth Nominated
Worst actor At the edge of death Nominated