Direct Your Own Film – Don’t Rely on Selling Your Script
From a practical standpoint, there are tons of benefits to [...]
From a practical standpoint, there are tons of benefits to [...]
When attempting to sell your screenplay, social skills are important. [...]
Once you have a list of people who you want [...]
Act-One, Sequence Two (pages 13-25) is the Predicament Sequence. In [...]
For the first act, introduce the world you are fashioning. [...]
Writing a Screenplay Feeling creative? Hopefully, after reading this tutorial, [...]
Act 3, Sequence 8: Jaws While Hooper is in the [...]
Act 3, Sequence 7: Jaws Brody is upset that Quint [...]
Act 2, Sequence 6: Jaws As the shark circles, Brody’s [...]
Act 2, Sequence 5: Jaws Quint’s home displays his obsession [...]