Federico Muelas (Cuenca, 1910 – Madrid, 25 November 1974), poet, journalist, writer and screenwriter of the generation of 36.


Graduated in law and pharmacy, he also studied natural sciences and was established as an apothecary in Madrid. César González-Ruano wished to ascribe to the “Creative youth” Group collaborated in the Garcilaso magazine in 1946, but their overflowing imagination approached you to the aesthetic postista amistar Ángel Crespo, Gabino Alexander Carriedo and Carlos Rica, with whom he co-founded the poetic journals Deucalion and The bird of straw; the latter led and founded the Group of guiñol theater “La Cometa”, which toured many peoples of Spain. He participated in social gatherings and organized his own the place than denomimó “Ateneo” and attended by José García Nieto, Camilo José Cela, Pedro Toral Ortiz, Sánchez Maza, etc. It took the helm as director and editor-in-Chief of make, Medina, youth, La Hora, editions of Spanish students, etc. He was editor of Radio Nacional, national prize for film scripts in 1961 and collaborator of La Gaceta Literaria, Escorial and vertex cultural magazines, as well as newspapers and publications ABC, La Vanguardia, people, top, photos, black and white, Life, Qggi, Journal des Voyages and several Latin American newspapers. He founded the literary magazine El Bergantín and [Spanish Association of pharmacists of letters and arts] which was the first President.

His poetic work is initially neopopularista is part of the Garcilasismo, but eventually progressed towards a humanistic poetry and sometimes religious online Luis Rosales, combining the classical meter with free verse, both handled with equal dexterity. He had also approaches Postism and surrealism. Books include flight and firmness, rolling in your silence, singing between sky and blood, weeping at the threshold, Minstrelsy, the shadow Postigo, escape burning, harangues book, mine. With secret poetry title were released in 2000 the books escape burning and harangues book written both in the 1950s under the aesthetic influence of surrealism, unique case in the context of the generation of 36 belongs.

As a writer of scripts was script writer of the film arrived seven girls in 1954, whose libretto he wrote the own filmmaker Sunday Viladomat, and participated in “features” Clemente Pamplona Farmacia de guardia (1958) and Jesús vassal. Don José, Pepe y Pepito Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena for the film of the same title, directed by Viladomat (1959), along with the aforementioned vassal, Clement Pamplona, Francisco Abad and Miguel mezquiriz adapted. He also adapted last show Jesus vassal and Francisco Abad ojuel in the film born to music (1959), Rafael j. Sage. Also made the scripts came seven girls (1954) and life without laughter (1959). He wrote the sixth sense (1960) for director Enrique Carreras, white heroes (1961) and the wife of thy neighbor (1962). Indent of the ninth commandment and men and white women are due in the same year. It was dialoguista in Charleston Abuelita (1961), Xavier setó, dog Gulf (1961), Domingo viladomat and way of truth (1967), Agustín Navarro Cano.

He also wrote fiction and drama, still poorly studied (with Jesús vassal composed the mad Queen: Drama of love and jealousy, in two parts and five acts (1952).)

Official chronicler of his hometown, delivered numerous lectures, recitals and pregones from all over Spain. Basin City Council convenes Federico Muelas poetry prize in his honor and his coterráneo singer-songwriter José Luis Perales, dedicated his song for a poet where evokes his facet as mistress of the bells.



* Aurora high voice (1934)

* Between your life and my dream (1934)

* Cordel spreads (1936)

* Flight and firmness (1936)

* Tremor (1941).

* Singing between sky and blood (1941)

* Just this. Anthology (1934-1959), M., chart. Gomez-Spain, 1959 (includes previously unpublished poems). Larragoiti and national literature 1959 special mention award.

* Rounding out your silence, M., spreads in the Hocino, 1964 (national prize for literature).

* My Cathedral carols (1967)

* Basin in aloft, Cuenca, Diputació, 1968 (Gerardo Diego Foreword).

* Albriciadores Angeles, M., Doncel, 1971.

* Poetry, basin, the Bull of mud, 1979.

* Secret poetry, basin, the Bull of mud, 2000. It brings together their escape burning and harangues book books.

* Crying at the threshold

* Minstrelsy

* The shadow postigo

* Mine.

Children’s literature

* The child who had a green glass (1976).

* Bertolín, one, two, three (1962), Lazarillo prize.


* Spain surprise (1962)