José Luis Lozano Trujillo (b. Granada, Spain;) (11 September 1960) is director, producer and screenwriter of film, music clips and spots.
1984 Working as a freelance creative with advertising agencies, Spanish, Portuguese, Moroccan and Tunisian as danis benton and bowles, HCM, Lintas, Saatchi & Saatchi, delvico Bates, Tandem, DDB, pietro bassat, mccann erickson, O’ gilvy, shems Publicité, partners maroc and Thirst communication among others.
1987-1988: became part of independent film Project as well as numerous joint workshops for filmmakers in Manhattan
[[1993: participated with two projects in the film directed by john durie and legal Marketing masters class of the co-productions directed by David Putnan]] both organised by the Media business school in Madrid.
Ha atendido numerosos cursos, talleres, seminarios, grupos y coaching individual en el campo del desarrollo personal y de nuevas terapias que, posteriormente, ha ido incorporando a su área específica de trabajo y que destacan entre otras: reflexología zonal y podal (lina rodróguez), iridología, bioespinología, acupuntura y moxibustión, homeopatía, qi qong, tai chi, yoga, overtone, musicoterapia, euritmia, colorterapia, aromaterapia, urinoterapia, visualización, pensamiento creativo, afirmaciones, rebirthing, LRT, rolfing, reiki, movimiento regenerador del maestro Tsuda, fascioterapia, método Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, método Linklater para la voz, [[neurolinguïstica, [[inteligencia emocional, 2 talleres con [[michel katzeff y cinco seminarios de formación con la Comunite de Chateau Saint Luc (Fundamental, Culpabilidades y perdón, Discernimento y acompañamiento espiritual, Curación de memoria y afectividad y combate espiritual)
2003: He did his first foray into the theatre producing cross-letters feature directed by José Luis sáiz on texts by the so-called poet of internal exile.
Currently coordinates the Project port-say. Some of his works in
Professional history as a filmmaker
Feature film
01 In half-light (1985) José Miguel Juárez p.c. / argument, co-writer and director (special quality Ministry of culture 1985, official selection Berlin Festival 1985 and official selection Festival tyneside 1985 award, has been the subject of a review and discussion within the framework of the FNAC (22/06/94) in video editing)
02 Pinocchio never sleeps (2007, in preparation) / argument, co-writer, director and associate producer
[Edit] Short film
01 Haunted (1983) Isis Films / filmmaker, screenwriter and producer (quality special prize of the Ministry of culture, first prize Festival in Alcalá de Henares, 1983, first prize Festival in Bilbao, 1983, first prize Garci Griffith 1984 first prize week of cinema of Melilla 1984 special mention Festival Cracow 1984, special mention Festival Melbourne 1984, official selection 1984, Huelva Ibero-American Film Festival official selection [[Festival film of the Atlantic 1984, official selection Film Festival of San Sebastián 1984, official selection Damn film Spanish of Málaga 1984 Imagfic 1984, official selection selection official Awards Up & Down Barcelona 1984 and selection officer Buenos Aires film week 1984]])
02 Wolf Man in Paris (1984) Isis Films / producer, writer and filmmaker (first prize Festival of Elche 1984 first prize Festival in Alcalá de Henares, 1984, official selection [[Film Festival 1984 San Sebastián and Bilbao 1984 Film Festival official selection]]) 03 cage (2004) heart Films / Las Marías gals / co-producer, dramaturgy, direction and mounting 10′ approximately
[Edit] Musical clips
01 Tino Casal – haunted (1983) – Emi / Isis Films / co-producer, writer, filmmaker and Assembly 4’20 “(selected for resistance policies and cultures musicals MACBA April-June 2002 of the cycle it is MTV)
02 La Union – Wolf Man in Paris (1984) – Wea / Isis Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and Assembly 3’50 “/ 4’10” (best pop Spanish clip elected several times)
03 Blue and black – The werewolf (1984) – Polygram / Isis Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and Assembly 3’35 ”
04 Ivan – Fumetti (1984) – CBS / I film productions / filmmaker, screenwriter and mount 5′
05 Juan Carlos valenciaga – A day of winter (1990) – Virgin / J.C. Valenciaga p.c. / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’40 ”
06 Alejandro Sanz – two hand in hand (1991) – Wea / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’40 ”
07 Antonio Vega – the best of our lives (1991) – passion / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 3’30 ”
08 Locomía – Loco-vox (1991) – Hispavox / Gil Bros. p.c. / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’20 ”
09 Apollos – Don’t let me be misunderstood (1991) – Emi / Gil Bros. p.c. / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’10 ”
10 Native – nor I no it or you without me (1991) – Virgin / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’50 ”
11 Simone and Raul Torres – went (1993) – Sony New York / heart Films / producer, concept, co-writer, Director and mounting 2’55 ”
12 Simone – wish to dawn with someone (1993) – Sony New York / heart Films / producer, concept, co-writer, Director and mounting 4’07 ”
13 Manolo Tena – Spanish blood (1994)-[[Sony / heart Films / producer, concept, co-writer, Director and Assembly 3’27 “(opened Logroño Festival Actual 94)]]
14 Manolo Tena – I want to drink and not forget (1994) – Sony / heart Films / producer, concept and Assembly 5’10 ”
15 Manolo Tena – take me to the Sea (1994) – Sony / heart Films / producer and filmmaker 4’40 ”
16 The South of barbershop – imprisoned by an evil (1994) – Sony / heart Films / producer, concept, filmmaker and Assembly 3’25 ”
17 Manolo Tena – you what? (1994)-[[Sony / heart Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and Assembly 3’40 “]]
18 Lolita – and passes life (1994) – Horus / heart Films / producer, concept, filmmaker and mounting 4’04 ”
19 Manolo Tena – Rwanda (1994) – doctors of the world / heart Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and Mount 7’25 ”
20 The border – sands of Samarkand (1995) – Polygram / heart Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and Assembly 5’20 “(elected best clip Polygram Europe 1995)
21 Malek – Bara’ (1996)-[[Morocco UNICEF / Action Production / filmmaker and Assembly 5’50 “(finalist awards MTV Europe 1996)]]
22 Isabel pantoja – poor my hope (1996) – Polygram / heart Films / producer, Director, concept and mounting 4′
23 Of the River – Take it easy, quiet estate (1997) – Sapphire / Zenit / concept, screenwriter, filmmaker and Assembly 3’20 ”
24 Angela wall – nice Virgencita (1998)-[[Epic / heart Films / producer, concept, filmmaker and Assembly 3’40 “]]
25 Fire – It’s another time (1998) – bmg germany / On Music Label / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 4’10 ”
26 Tam tam go – trapped in the network (1999) – Virgin / heart Films / producer, screenwriter, filmmaker and mounting 4’20 ”
27 Bellepop – if you ask most (2003) – Wea / Strange Fruit / filmmaker, screenwriter and mounting 3’13 ”
[Edit] Advertising
001 Microcomputers Dragon (1985) l. g. / handmade / direction and mounting 20 ”
002 Caja de ahorros provincial Guipuzcua (1985) (I) productions / direction and mounting
003 seat Ibiza institutional (1985) (I) productions / direction and mounting 45 “and 30”
004 Wool Aragon “1” (1986) Movieland / direction and mounting 20 ”
005 (1986) “2” Wools Aragon Movieland / direction and mounting 20 ”
006 Sppanish (1986) Lorente Mussons / Movieland / direction and mounting 20 ”
007 Cola Cao (1986) Movieland / direction and mounting 30 ”
008 Oil Uca (1986) Danis Benton & Bowles / Isis Films / direction and mounting 20 ”
009 Oil Giralda (1986) Danis Benton & Bowles / Isis Films / direction and mounting 20 ”
010 samir oil (1989) Shems Pubicité Maroc / creativity
011 Dorita (1989) idem / Shems Publicité Maroc / direction and mounting
012 Rappi (1992) Partners Maroc / Mia Productions / direction and mounting
013 Tefal (1992) idem / Cinemapresse Maroc / direction and mounting 30 ”
014 Clark’s Tendermint “femme” (1992) idem / Cinemapresse Maroc / direction and mounting 20 ”
015 Clark’s Tendermint “homme” (1992) idem / Cinemapresse Maroc / direction and mounting 20 ”
016 Clark’s Tendermint “garcons” (1992) idem / Cinemapresse Maroc / direction and mounting 30 ”
017 Mozart and intelligence (1994) Sony / heart Films / direction and mounting 25 ”
018 Alkalá mekomix (1995) RCA / heart Films / direction and mounting 20 “different versions
019 cherry coke (1995) McCann Erickson / Nada Films / creativity, direction and editing 45 “and 30” different versions (best film 35 mm month Movierecord July 1995 and finalist in The New York Festivals-Television and Cinema Advertising Awards – September 1995
020 cherry coke “jungle” (1995) McCann Erickson / Nada Films / direction and mounting 30 ”
021 (1995) “Heartbeat” cherry coke McCann Erickson / Nada Films / creativity 20 ”
022 regal insurance Club (1995) / DMB & B / Nostromo Films / address 30 ”
023 garcinia camboggia (1995) A3Z / Chroma productions / direction and mounting 10 ”
024 El Corte Inglés “8 days of gold” (1996) El corte inglés / March Films / direction and mounting 10 ”
025 UNICEF “Change for good” (1996) UNICEF Maroc / Action Production / direction and mounting 10 ”
026 fun water (1996) FCA BMZ CID / Charisma / creativity, direction and editing 30 ”
027 Beer 1906 (1996) image / Charisma and Continental / direction and mounting 20 ”
028 El Corte Inglés “New center of Valencia” (1996) El corte inglés / March Films / direction and mounting 35 ”
029 El Corte Inglés “New Alicante Centre” (1996) El corte inglés / March Films / direction and mounting 35 ”
030 El Corte Inglés “New center of the Palms” (1996) El corte inglés / March Films / direction and mounting 35 ”
031 Isabel pantoja “New album” (1996) Polygram / heart Films / direction and mounting 20 ”
032 (1997) “National Geographic” Orange Fanta Danis Benton / Viewer / direction and mounting 20 ”
033 Fanta lemon “national geographic” (1997) Danis Benton / Viewer / direction and mounting 20 ”
034 Fanta pineapple “national geographic” (1997) Danis Benton / Viewer / direction and mounting 20 ”
035 ray-ban “fist” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / address photo shoot, different versions
036 ray-ban “fist” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / direction and assembling “different versions
037 ray-ban “concert” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / address photo shoot, different versions (Silver Lion for graph at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival)
038 ray-ban “jail” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / address photo shoot, different versions (Silver Lion for graph in the [[1997 Cannes Film Festival]])
039 ray-ban “girl” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / address photo shoot, different versions
040 ray-ban “concert” (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / direction and mounting 30 “Original and Sun Planet
041 Bausch & Lomb pack contact lenses (1997) Made in Spain / Zenit / address photo shoot
042 Ford escort turbocharged “tíovivo” (1997) Bassat / Zenit / direction and mounting 15 ”
043 Ford escort “Ferris wheel” (1997) turbocharged Bassat / Zenit / direction and mounting 15 ”
044 Ford escort “boat” (1997) turbocharged Bassat / Zenit / direction and mounting 15 ”
045 Cherie Caribbean Panties “trousers” (1997) Zenit / direction and mounting 10 ”
046 Cherie Caribbean Panties “cowboy” (1997) Zenit / direction and mounting 10 ”
047 Cherie Caribbean (1997) “strained” Panties Zenit / direction and mounting 10 ”
048 Cherie Caribbean Panties “dress night” (1997) Zenit / direction and mounting 20 “and 10”
049 Sprite (1997) McCann Erickson / Zenit / direction and mounting 30 “two versions
050 Coca-Cola “football kit” (1997) Publicís / Zenit / direction and mounting 30 ”
051 Readers circle “characters” (1997) Zamorano partners / Zenit / direction and mounting 30 “two versions
052 Of river “New album” (1997) BMG Arbola / Zenit / creativity, direction and editing 20 ”
053 Campaign of employment for young graduates (1998) Maroc Prospective / Zenit / direction and mounting 30 ”
054 Buckler (1998) Lintas / Stop Films / direction and mounting 10 ”
055 Ono “providers” (1998) idem / MNC / direction and mounting 3’35 “and 45”
056 Ono “Antonio Gala” (1998) idem / MNC / direction and mounting 35 ”
057 Ono “Carmen Maura” (1998) idem / MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
058 Ono “Matthias r. Inciarte” (1998) idem / MNC / mounting 15 ”
059 Ono “graphs” (1998) idem / MNC / mounting 30 ”
060 (1998) “Institutional” Ono idem / MNC / direction and mounting 11 ”
061 Ono “spot” (1998) idem / MNC / direction and mounting 30 ”
062 Lois “kids” (1999) Dimarco / Nisa productions / direction and mounting 30 “two versions and 20″
063 Novovisión (1999) D.G. Communication / Open Films / direction and mounting 20 ”
064 Channel 21 Euzkaltel (1999) Publis / Quasar Films / direction and mounting 45 “and 30”
065 sofac credit “femme” (1999) Blue Zone Maroc / Stop Films / direction and montage 25 “two versions, French and Arabic
066 sofac credit “homme” (1999) Blue Zone Maroc / Stop Films / direction and mounting 30 “two versions French and Arabic
067 ctv jet Internet (1999) Anmiratti Puris Lintas Valmorisco / Open Films / direction and mounting 20 “four versions
068 (1999) “Generic” Millac Atlantis / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 ”
069 Millac “arroró” (1999) Atlantis / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 ”
070 Yogurt Celgán “flavors” (1999) Atlantis / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 “two versions
071 Basque Government “wastes recycling” (1999) Atlantis / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 “two versions and 15″ two versions
072 Supermarkets tree (1999) solution / of filming / direction and mounting 25 ”
073 (1999) “Generic” well basic / Open Films / direction and mounting 45 ‘ 40 ‘, 30 “and 20”
074 Well “pavopozo” (1999) basic / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 “and 20”
075 The well “beefpozo” (1999) basic / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 “and 20”
076 Well “sausage cuit” (1999) basic / Open Films / direction and mounting 30 “and 20”
077 Well “Spanish football selection” (1999) basic / Open Films / 20 “and 10” three Assembly versions
078 Coca-Cola “teaser” (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 15 “two versions
079 Coca-Cola “main film” (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 35 “two versions
080 Coca-Cola “countdown 1″ (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
081 Coca-Cola “countdown 2″ (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
082 Coca-Cola “countdown 3″ (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
083 Coca-Cola “follow up 1″ (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 15 ”
084 Siemens (2000) Alif Communication Maroc / Action Production / direction and mounting 40 “two versions
085 Coeur de lait “football” (2000) Sigma / direction and mounting 30 “different versions
086 Coeur de lait “salon de coiffure” (2000) Sigma / direction and mounting 30 “different versions
087 Coca-Cola “teaser” (2000) FP7 McCann Algerie / Sigma / direction and mounting 15 “two versions
088 Coca-Cola “main film” (2000) FP7 McCann Algerie / Sigma / direction and mounting 55 ”
089 Coca-Cola “countdown 1″ (2000) FP7 McCann Algerie Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
090 Coca-Cola “countdown 2″ (2000) FP7 McCann Algerie / Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
091 Coca-Cola “countdown 3″ (2000) FP7 McCann Algerie / Sigma / direction and mounting 10 ”
092 Aenor (2000) Open films / creativity, direction and mounting 2’20 “and 40” two versions
093 Coca-Cola “follow up 2″ (2000) FP7 McCann Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 35 ”
094 Méditel “benguerir” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity, direction and editing 35 “two versions
095 Méditel “essaouira” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity and address 35 “two versions
096 Méditel “laayoun” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
097 Méditel “ouarzazat” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
098 Méditel “berkane” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
099 Méditel “ifrane” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
100 Méditel “Tangier” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
101 Méditel “Ashawen” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
102 Méditel “france” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
103 Méditel “Casablanca” (2000) Klem Euro RSCG Maroc / Sigma / creativity 35 ”
104 Pryconsa “Charo Lopez” (2000) Pendelton / direction and mounting 30 “four versions
105 Spidou (2000) Ulysson / direction and mounting 30 “two versions106 Nest “d’origine” (2001) Alif Communication Maroc / Action Production / direction and mounting 35 ”
107 Nest “preparation” (2001) Alif Communication Maroc / Action Production / direction and mounting 30 ”
108 Leader food “fakiat” (2001) Shems Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 30 ”
109 Leader food “ronchos” (2001) Shems Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 30 ”
110 Leader food “poks” (2001) Shems Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 30 ”
111 Temple du ciel “tian so” (2001) swim Maroc / Preview / direction and mounting 1’10 “, 35”, 30 “and 15”
112 Injelec (2001) Algerie 2001 / direction and mounting 40 “two versions
113 Flash “fenky” (2001) Algerie Algerie / direction and mounting 45 “two versions, 15” two versions and 5 “two versions x 2
114 Bigboss (2001) Label Tunis / Ulysson / direction and mounting 40 “and 30″
115 Pikachu (2001) Label Tunis / Ulysson / direction and mounting and 1′ 30 ”
116 Assila “classique” (2001) Sed Tunis / Ullyson / creativity, direction and editing 10 “and 30” (jury prize I Tunisia Advertising Festival 30/10/01)
117 Assila “speciale” (2001) Sed Tunis / Ullyson / direction and mounting and 1′ 30 “(jury prize I Tunisia Advertising Festival 30/10/01)
118 Assila “junior” (2001) Sed Tunis / Ullyson / direction and mounting and 1′ 30 “(jury prize I Tunisia Advertising Festival 30/10/01)
119 saïd tendresse (2001) FP7 McCann Tunis / Ulysson / direction and 35 “Tablette and 40″ initablettes mount
120 Gaucho (2001) FP7 McCann Tunis / Ulysson / direction and mounting 35 ”
121 Break (2001) FP7 McCann Tunis / Ulysson / direction and mounting 30 “three versions: Fraise, Abricot and Fraise et abricot
122 Pepsi Algerie “teaser 1″ (2001) Algerie / direction and mounting 15 ”
123 Pepsi Algerie “teaser 2″ (2001) Algerie / direction and mounting 20 ”
124 Pepsi Algerie “film” (2001) Algerie / direction and mounting 40 ”
125 Wincor Nixdorf (2001) Alif Communication Maroc / Sigma / direction and mounting 40 “two versions
126 Dolphin “teaching MOM” (2002) advertising creatives / Charisma / direction and mounting 30 “and 10”
127 Dolphin “Christmas” (2002) advertising creatives / Charisma / direction and mounting 30 “and 10”
128 NGO’s platform “Campaign generic 0.52″ (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
129 Atime “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
130 Feaps “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
131 CNSE “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
132 Federation women progressives “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
133 Red Cross “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
134 Fundación esplai “0.52 campaign” (2002) MNC / direction and mounting 40 ”
135 City Hall Cordoba (2002) Made in Spain / Strange Fruit / direction and mounting 30 “2 versions
136 Las Ketchup “Cordoba as ever” (2002) Made in Spain / Strange Fruit / direction and mounting 10 18″
137 Méditel “Triple recharge” (2002) KNRG Maroc / Preview / direction and mounting 20 ”
138 Bellepop “New album” (2003) Wea / Strange Fruit / concept, direction, and 20 “(3 versions) and 10” (3 versions) mounting
139 Mills “sponsorship caretas” (2003) Made in Spain / heart Films / production, direction and Assembly “(opening and closing)
140 Acciona / Endesa “Plugs” (2007) Super / MNC / address
141 Aigle Matic (2008) Algeria / direction and mounting 35 ”
142 Aigle Javel (2008) Algeria / direction and mounting 30 ”
143 Aigle Vaisselle (2008) Algeria / direction and mounting 30 ”
144 Aigle Progress (2008) Algeria / direction and mounting 30’
01 You decide (pilot) 2004
01 Concert presentation of Sigue Sigue Spootnik KU room of Ibiza